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Vet School Surge

Professional schools that have been nearly impossible to get into are adding slots.

Church, State and a University Hospital

Critics question plan to merge Catholic health group with teaching facility for University of Louisville medical school.

New Breed of Vet School?

Lincoln Memorial plans to enter field with very few institutions, and to offer six-year bachelor's/D.V.M. option.

Education for the Emergency Room

Medical education associations and foundations and push common skills that will allow doctors, nurses and other health care professionals to work better together.

Flexible Policies, Unchanged Practice

More medical schools offer better-balanced work-life policies to faculty, new study finds, but few actually use them.

Medical Residents Ruled Employees

Supreme Court ruling backs Treasury Department against hospital and U. of Minnesota, saying doctors-in-training are subject to payroll taxes.

Medical Schools Slowly Grow

First-year enrollment gains a bit over all at U.S. institutions, with numbers most dramatic for underrepresented minorities.

Medical Education, Steeped in Tradition

Commemorating 100th anniversary of a transformational report, medical educators, doctors and others explore potential changes in how doctors are trained.