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Office Hours

Southern Methodist University and a Dallas community college differ on price, writes Preston Hutcherson, an SMU student, but they share a special ingredient for academic success.

Sharing Intel on Completion

A new group of 11 public research universities says it can set aside competition and prestige-chasing to work together to graduate more low-income students.

Between the Lines

Two Temple U. professors are under fire for allegedly not disclosing in a working paper and in newspaper op-eds that their private prison-friendly research findings were funded in part by the private prison industry.

Ignoring the Pope?

New pontiff has suggested that church leaders focus less on abortion and homosexuality. So recent actions at Roman Catholic colleges have faculty members wondering if administrators missed the latest from Rome.

Moving Beyond Congress

Some research university leaders say it's time to look beyond the federal government to states and businesses, given Congress's dysfunction.

Sequester Strains Science Researchers

Across-the-board spending cuts are prompting scientists across the country to lay off staff, close laboratories and scramble for other sources of funding. Another round of reductions is slated to take effect in the coming fiscal year.

Snapshot Dissertation

Should universities require graduate students to pare down years of research into a soundbite that can be understood by non-scholars?

'Imperative for Change'

New information from the Delphi Project is designed to help adjuncts make their case for reform.