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From For-Profits to Community Colleges

A new paper finds students don’t leave postsecondary education when the for-profit institution they attend is sanctioned by federal agencies. They move into the public sector.

Crackdown on For-Profit Law Schools

In the wake of federal criticism of its accreditation standards, the American Bar Association sanctions another for-profit law school.

A Step Ahead of For-Profits

With a federal government that now appears sympathetic to for-profit colleges, city officials in Milwaukee seek to block institutions that violate Obama-era regulations.

Long Road for Regulatory Rollbacks

Republicans swept to power after years of complaints about the Obama administration's crackdown on for-profit colleges. But only tentative steps to roll back regulations have followed, and two major rules could be headed for a drawn-out negotiation process.

Competency at Scale

Big for-profit American Public now offers competency-based undergraduate degrees that don’t rely on the credit-hour standard, but federal aid isn’t part of the mix, for now.

New Nonprofit Owner for EDMC

The Dream Center Foundation, a religious missionary organization based in Los Angeles, plans to buy EDMC, a struggling for-profit chain that enrolls 65,000 students. The resulting nonprofit college group will be secular.

Credentials, Jobs and the New Economy

Given the high dropout rates and poor job-placement rates of for-profit colleges, people often blame them for what are, in fact, labor market failures in an economy that has shifted new risks to workers, writes Tressie McMillan Cottom.

'Lower Ed'

A new book argues that the focus on credentials and growing inequality led to the rise in for-profit colleges.