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Kaplan-Owned Coding Boot Camp Will Close

Dev Bootcamp, an early skills-training provider for software developers, struggled to find a viable business model. Experts predict other boot-camp closures or consolidations.

DeVos Allows Career Programs to Delay Disclosure to Students

Shift on gainful-employment rule is latest move by Trump administration that pleases for-profit sector but dismays its critics.

Reset of Rules Aimed at For-Profits Begins

Trump administration will suspend borrower defense and renegotiate gainful employment, two Obama administration rules aimed at reining in for-profit colleges. Moves draw rebukes from Democrats and student advocates.

For-Profit Universities 2.0

The institutions must recapture public trust and return to their roots as work force-focused innovators if they are to recover from their woes, Deborah Seymour and Michael Horn write.

Winnowing the Field

If nonprofit colleges and universities had been subjected to the same regulatory red tape in their early years as for-profit institutions have been recently, the sector would not have survived, argues William G. Durden.

Fine Print and Tough Questions for the Purdue-Kaplan Deal

University’s boundary-testing deal poses a test for its accreditor and could set new precedents about online education and the role of public universities.

Students Without Good Options

Former officials raise concerns over whether for-profit law school's response to loss of federal aid funds denies students options while protecting parent institution from liability.

For-Profit Task Force No More

With interagency panel launched under Obama no longer active, observers see a Department of Education less interested in leading oversight of for-profit college sector. State regulators may become more important.