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The Next Frontier in the Fight Against Student Depression—Community College

The University of California, Los Angeles, is launching multiple research projects dedicated to addressing depression among local community college students.

Financial Collapse at New Jersey City University

Governor Phil Murphy has called for an investigation into New Jersey City University's dramatic change in financial standing, which led NJCU to declare a financial emergency.

Company Steps in to Ease Transfer-Credit Friction

Outlier creates a network of institutions to try to fix a broken system of transfer credit. Experts applaud the company's efforts, but its for-profit nature may limit acceptance by some institutions.

"The Psychological Power of the Word 'Free' "

Some community colleges that lost enrollment during the pandemic are luring students back by promising them free tuition.
Young Black woman with long braids wearing a red plaid shirt taking a test at a laptop

Expanding Access to Transfer Pathways

The New England Board of Higher Education is working to expand guaranteed transfer pathways in the region.

Understanding the College Enrollment Drop

Two national experts explore why community colleges have lost students, whether and when enrollments are likely to start climbing again, and how institutions should respond.

Influencer 101

A community college in Ohio is launching a certificate program to teach students to be media influencers. Will the new offering unleash students’ inner Kim Kardashian?

Education Department Shuts a ‘Free’ Program for Union Members

The U.S. Education Department says Eastern Gateway Community College’s online program violated federal financial aid rules. The college warns that freezing the program could endanger its future.