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By the Numbers

Departures and a reorganization at the National Center for Education Statistics stir fears the feds are less focused on higher ed data. Not so, says the center's commissioner.

Completion-Focused Financial Aid

As part of larger Gates Foundation effort, new panel aims to reimagine federal aid design and delivery to improve student outcomes. The effort is stoking suspicions.

A Romney-Obama Debate (By Proxy)

Advisers to the president and his Republican challenger debate student loans, Pell Grants and regulation at a financial aid conference.

College for All?

Backlash to "college for all" heats up, again, thanks to the recession and presidential election. The counter-narrative sells in the media, and could hurt public funding of colleges.

The Gamble

In an attempt to be more timely and relevant, Princeton plans to publish early chapters of forthcoming book on 2012 election in electronic form, free.

The Next Big Thing, Almost

Competency-based education is all the rage, except that no college has yet to go all-in. Panel discusses why, with Education Department official promising that feds won't stand in the way.

Wisconsin Union's Surprising Choice

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has targeted employee unions. But UW-Madison’s graduate student association chose not to endorse his opponent.

Reopening 'Yeshiva'?

NLRB request suggests push to reconsider the landmark decision that effectively killed unionization of private college faculty members.