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Pell Grants in the Spotlight

Education played a big role on the first night of the Democratic National Convention.

The Obama Agenda

The Democrats' positions on higher education center on what the administration has done.

The Democrats Convene

Gathering in Charlotte attracts representatives from across academe, including two of tonight's speakers.


Black students are far less likely than others to retain state lottery scholarships in the South, study finds. Odds are worse for those who are black and low-income, with low ACT scores and grades.

Newt and a MOOC

Newt Gingrich teaches Newt U. from GOP convention, and the classes are streamed online by KAPx, a new MOOC platform from Kaplan.

Elitism, Equality and MOOCs

Euphoria about massive online courses aside, they aren't the answer to improving access to higher education for low-income students, writes Ryan Craig.

Cost of Free Money

Long Island U. is latest college to face budget problems after overspending on financial aid, a reflection of how the affordability crisis is squeezing institutions.

A Call to Conservatives

Those on the right should focus less on complaining about higher education, and more on the reality that they can in fact thrive in academe, write Robert Maranto and Matthew Woessner.