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Questions on Debit Cards

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau opens an inquiry into colleges' agreements with banks and providers of preloaded debit cards.

Can Funding Be Fair?

The University of California system is changing the way it funds its 10 campuses to equalize per-student appropriations.

Spending Money to Make Money

Associate degrees pay off for both students and taxpayers, report finds, but state funding of community colleges still lags.

Obama's Immigration Plan

The president's proposal, as outlined Tuesday, would give citizenship to undocumented students and green cards to master's and Ph.D graduates in STEM fields.

Fewer Bucks, More Bangs

Without enough state aid dollars to make college affordable, Colorado is shifting the focus of its grant program from affordability to encouraging credit completion.

A Financial Aid Overhaul

The latest white paper in Gates-funded effort to rethink financial aid calls for a shored-up Pell Grant, streamlined student loans and the end of higher education tax credits.

Grand Canyon's DREAMers

A for-profit college has emerged as a leading choice for undocumented students in Arizona.

Status Quo at NLRB

With two high-profile higher education cases under consideration, labor board says it will carry on as usual despite an appeals court's ruling that calls into question the legitimacy of its appointees.