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Tapping Into the Well

In stark contrast to most public institutions, North Dakota colleges will likely see a sizeable increase in state appropriations, a decision education leaders attribute to a favorable economic climate and efforts to build the trust of conservative lawmakers.

Do Veterans Graduate?

The U.S. Veterans Administration and the National Student Clearinghouse team up to track graduation rates.

Baby Steps for Need-Based Aid

At meeting of private college presidents, campaign to discourage use of student aid that is not tied to financial need gains some momentum.

Deal Delays Across-the-Board Cuts

A last-minute deal in Congress puts off mandatory spending cuts for two months and extends a tax break for college tuition.

What a University Owes a Town

In the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook, Susan Herbst -- president of a university in the shadow of Newtown, Conn. -- assesses the tragedy's implications for her institution, and others.

Stop Raiding the Treasury

Why should donations that finance luxurious buildings and half-million-dollar salaries at wealthy colleges be tax-deductible? Explain it to the students in Wick Sloane's 7 a.m. community college classes, he writes.

Free Speech Limited for HR Official

Appeals court says University of Toledo had right to fire human resources director for op-ed questioning legitimacy of gay rights.

A Guaranteed Pell Grant?

A study suggests that guaranteeing a Pell Grant for low-income students as early as the eighth grade could increase college access and completion.