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Next Steps on FAFSA

The Obama administration's FAFSA changes generate support -- and a few questions -- from colleges and financial aid experts.

FAFSA Reform

"Prior-prior year" and ability to apply months earlier than in the past are seen as ways to simplify the process.

Populist, Not Progressive

Proposals to make public higher education free will hurt, not help, students from low-income backgrounds, Don Francis argues.

Republican Roundup

Jeb Bush and other candidates for the Republican presidential nomination begin to follow Senator Marco Rubio down the wonkier corridors of higher education policy.

Support for Free

Survey finds half of college presidents back or somewhat back idea of federal infusion of funds to allow two free years of public higher education. Support exceeds two-thirds at public institutions but is less than one-third at private colleges.

‘Free’ vs. ‘Affordable’

Nearly all the Democratic presidential hopefuls are pitching new federal college affordability programs -- how do they differ?

Money for Debt Relief Fight

Corinthian's court-approved liquidation plan will provide $4.3 million for former students, which they will use to press U.S. to grant more sweeping discharges for students of the defunct for-profit chain.

Discounting Grows Again

The rate at which private colleges discounted their tuition crept ever closer to 50 percent in 2014, drawing warnings about unsustainability.