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Does Online Ed Lack 'Integrity'?

A last-minute wording change in Hillary Clinton's higher education plan about online programs draws criticism from distance learning experts.

The Non-Ratings Future

The fight over college ratings is over -- but what do institutions and others want to see in the consumer tool the Obama administration is developing in their place?

A Bigger Federal Role

Hillary Clinton's college affordability plan is the latest by Democrats to call for a large infusion of federal dollars to prod states to reduce or lower tuition. Will that reshape federal influence in funding higher education?

Clinton's Big Plan for Higher Ed

Democratic front-runner seeks $350 billion over 10 years to encourage public 4-year colleges to be debt-free for tuition, and to make community colleges tuition-free. Plan also proposes cuts in interest rates and tougher regulation of for-profits.

New Way to Hinder Social Science Grants

Researchers object to powerful lawmaker's bill that would require NSF to stipulate how each award relates to "national interest."

Does Compliance Cost $11K per Student?

While discussing the Higher Education Act, Vanderbilt's chancellor equated cost of compliance to $11,000 per student -- and the message snowballed.

Making Work-Study Work

Federal work-study generally boosts students' odds of graduating and getting a job, study finds. But money too often goes to wealthier students, and findings show an alarming increase in participants' debt loads.

Politics of Pell for Prisoners

Obama administration confirms its pilot program to offer Pell Grants to some prisoners is coming this Friday, and some Republican opposition is already forming.