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Ties That Bind?

Hillary Clinton pledges to outdo the Obama administration in cracking down on for-profits. But will her ties to the industry, including the $16.5 million Bill Clinton earned working for Laureate Education, influence her approach?

Jumping to Conclusions

Academic studies that have been critical of state performance-based funding policies lack the data to back up their conclusions, writes Martha Snyder, and fail to account for the design and implementation of these policies.

Messages That Aren't Easily Erased

Pro-Trump chalkings and graffiti spread to dozens of campuses, in many cases accompanied by comments about immigrants or Muslims, and set off debates about free speech and tolerance.

Clinton Weighs In on Kentucky

In late March, Kentucky cut its funding for higher education by 4.5 percent. Now, a Clinton adviser is taking the opportunity to weigh in on state disinvestment.

The 21st-Century Public Research University

A report offers suggestions for how public research universities can thrive at a time of declining state support and increasing accountability.

Crisis Averted?

Low-income and nondependent students have been protected from state disinvestment in higher education during the last two decades because of increasing federal aid spending, a new study finds.

Clinton vs. Sanders on States' Role

The Democratic front-runner criticizes her rival's college funding plan for relying on states to step up -- which her own plan does, too.

Revamped Loan Payment System

After years of criticism from companies it hires to collect student loan payments, the Education Department plans to create a single standardized portal for borrowers to make payments.