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The Department and St. Catharine

St. Catharine College is closing, and the small private institution blames its demise on a version of the same Education Department sanction that toppled the for-profit Corinthian Colleges.

State Agency as Bully

Arizona Board of Regents probably violated First Amendment rights of state's student association when it stopped collecting fees for the group, U.S. appeals court rules.

College Majors and Voting

On college campuses, voter turnout is low. But voting behavior varies widely across disciplines and regions, a new study finds.

Hillary Clinton's Focus on Students Who Are Single Parents

As a model for a federal initiative, she points to a program she helped start in Arkansas.

What's the Matter With Kansas Budget Cuts?

State has changed its formula to impose deepest reductions on universities that receive more outside support.

Inner Check, Please

The 2016 election cycle is a murky paradox in which it seems impossible to think of Donald Trump as ever exemplifying a certain long-held conservative doctrine, writes Scott McLemee.

Trump's Emerging Higher Ed Platform

Campaign co-chair describes ideas being prepared for fall campaign. Among them: getting government out of student lending, requiring colleges to share in risk of loans, discouraging borrowing by liberal arts majors and moving OCR to Justice Department.

A 'Successful' Conference on Hunger?

Wick Sloane wonders if filling an auditorium to discuss the problem of campus hunger and homelessness is progress -- and if screaming would make a difference.