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'Debt-Free' College Hits the Congressional Campaigns

Advocates who helped prod Democratic presidential candidates to embrace the concept seek to spread the issue into election drives for the U.S. Senate and House.

More Flexibility on Loan Counseling

Education Department will let some colleges experiment with required loan counseling, which some hope will discourage overborrowing.

Nonprofits Are Vulnerable, Too

Education Department's proposed rule for student debt forgiveness could threaten traditional colleges as well as for-profits, particularly over its broad view of what counts as misrepresentation.

College and the New Class Divide

Contrary to college standing as an open thoroughfare for Americans wanting to improve their lives, it has become a gated toll road primarily available to those from middle-class and upper-class families, argues Jeffrey J. Williams.

Civic Engagement or Get Out the Vote?

A new initiative designed to challenge colleges to get students involved in the democratic process is questioned for perceived ties to the White House.

Clinton Borrows From Bernie

In bid to snag her Democratic opponent's supporters, presumptive nominee adapts previous college plan by embracing free public college tuition for those with incomes up to $125,000.

Debating a Provost's Ouster

Temple makes a sudden change after $22 million in overspending on financial aid. But faculty members object to what they see as a lack of information and disrespect for an academic leader many respect.

Report: Clinton Seeks Loan Repayment Hiatus

During a three-month hiatus, borrowers would be encouraged to refinance at lower interest rates.