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Trump, Loans and the Liberal Arts

If enacted, a proposal by Donald Trump would result in only the wealthy gaining the benefits of the kind of liberal education that is the foundation for success, argues Lynn Pasquerella.

Are Public University Subsidies a Handout for the Wealthy?

A new report says the wealthy do not disproportionately benefit from public subsidies, but some wonder whether low-income students get enough.

Libertarian or Bust

Convention brings together hundreds of libertarian college students, among whom Gary Johnson is a popular choice. Few back Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Pushing for Free

After taking a backseat to debate over free tuition at four-year public colleges, free community college advocates see chance to build momentum.

Higher Ed at the DNC

Speech after speech discusses student debt -- and praises the Clinton plan (based in part on Sanders plan) for college affordability.

'The Politics of Innovation'

Author asks why some countries are better than others at science and technology.

Tim Kaine and Higher Ed

Hillary Clinton's running mate has promoted career and technical education, worried about the impact of student debt, and taught for many years at the University of Richmond.

'Lost' Generation

Academics fact-check the persistent idea, promoted at GOP convention, that liberal professors politically indoctrinate their students.