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HOPE for Whom?

New analysis of Georgia's aid program for top students -- a model for those of many other states -- finds that it is missing many low-income and minority students.

Muted GOP Defense of For-Profits

As the Obama administration pushes tougher regulation, the sector is receiving little public backing from traditional allies.

Smarter State Spending

State dollars for public higher education would go farther, prominent researchers argue, if more of it went to open-access colleges and need-based aid.

Lawmakers Eye Endowment Tax Status

A House Ways and Means subcommittee examines endowments, but lawmakers focus on college affordability.

Politically Engaged Millennials? Not an Oxymoron

Initiative led by Dominican University of California brings students from scores of campuses together to craft questions for the presidential debates. Now they're focused on encouraging their peers to vote.

Clinton's College Cost Calculator

Hillary Clinton's campaign promotes her debt-free college plan with a tool showing future students and current borrowers how much they would save under her proposals.

The Shame Game

Flier campaign at Michigan State targets a Hispanic professor who advises Donald Trump.

The Campaign and Science

Clinton offers detailed plans and pledges to listen to researchers. Trump hasn't offered plans and has questioned scientific consensus on key issues.