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The Success of Evidence-Based Policies

A new report from the Council of Economic Advisers details how the Obama administration's higher ed policies over the last seven years have begun to pay off, write Sandra Black and Jason Furman.

Report Criticizes USA Funds and ECMC

Guarantee agencies have fallen away from their public missions, says the Century Foundation, which called on the feds to push for the agencies’ $5 billion in assets to be spent helping struggling student borrowers.

Louisville Board Overhaul Blocked

Kentucky's governor improperly served as "judge, jury and executioner" in abolishing University of Louisville's Board of Trustees, a state court finds.

Small Agency, Big Impact

As second longtime target collapses and enforcement actions pile up, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau becomes key regulator of student loan industry and for-profit higher ed.

A Regents Race That Matters

The University of Colorado's board hangs in the balance as candidates debate funding, climate change and academic freedom in hopes of winning election.

Trump Targets Colleges With Large Endowments

GOP candidate vows to work with Congress to push wealthy colleges and universities to spend more on students. Move comes as top endowments report losses.

More Aid for the Needy

New federal data show rising number of students receiving Pell Grants while median family incomes of recipients fall.

DeVry Adopts Reform Favored by For-Profit Critics

By tackling the controversial 90-10 rule -- and lowering it for its institutions -- DeVry Education Group is looking to assert its place as a leader in the for-profit sector.