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A Double-Edged Sword

Elizabeth Warren has been criticized and praised for sounding like a professor -- which she is. How will her academic chops influence her presidential run?

Seeking Answers on Loan Relief Claims

With borrowers who attended for-profits having waited years on loan relief applications, lawyers this week sued the Education Department to take action on more than 150,000 claims.

Free Tuition -- After a Drug Test

West Virginia joins other states in offering free tuition at community colleges. But the new law is unique in asking all students seeking eligibility to pass a drug test.

Race, Geography and Degree Attainment

Residents of rural counties typically are much less likely to hold a college degree, new analysis finds, and urban and suburban areas often feature wide attainment gaps across racial lines.
Basketball court with NCAA logo at halfcourt

New Bill May Allow Athlete Compensation

The NCAA suggests that college athletes in California may not be able to participate in championship games if state passes legislation to allow them to profit off their name, image and likeness.

Expanding Beyond NYC’s 5 Boroughs

Armed with promising results, CUNY is expanding ASAP and other student success experiments while helping to export them to colleges outside the system.

Sanders vs. Warren on College Debt Relief

Critics of both plans say Sanders's proposal for universal debt relief amplifies existing issues with Warren's plan, which includes caps on income for beneficiaries.

Democratic Hopefuls Back Pell Grants in Prisons

Most candidates seeking Democratic nomination support repealing ban on federal aid for incarcerated students. One of the few exceptions? Joe Biden, author of the crime law that enacted the ban.