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The Default Trap

Community colleges ask Washington for help on a federal loan-default measure they say is snagging colleges where relatively few students borrow.

Student Debt on Campaign Trail

As Democrats look to keep their grip on the U.S. Senate, they’re touting their support of legislation to let borrowers refinance their debt at lower interest rates.

Who's Responsible?

At Senate hearing, state and federal officials point fingers at one another when discussing who can fix issues of college cost and access.

House Overhauls Tax Breaks

Lawmakers' overhaul of higher education tax benefits gives colleges and universities things to cheer and protest. They also approve a bill to boost student loan counseling.

Inequitable Access to Loans

An advocacy group's new report shows that nearly a million community college students -- including a disproportionate share of underrepresented minorities -- lack access to federal student loan programs.

Down but Not Out?

ITT's missed deadline with the Education Department prompts comparisons to Corinthian Colleges. But ITT is on firmer ground.

Proof via Straw Man

Trotting out students as victims of for-profit institutions is often an attack by false and partial anecdotes, writes Wade Dyke.

Twitter Fail

Education Department apologizes after image it posted on Twitter -- designed to encourage FAFSA completion -- angered many.