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Senior (Citizen) Student Debt Rising

Older Americans are increasingly burdened by federal student loans -- and they struggle to repay the debt at much higher rates than their younger counterparts, a new government report finds.

The Long View on Wages

Virginia releases the first detailed look at mid-career earnings of college graduates, but the report warns against broad, oversimplified conclusions about the data.

Young Families and Student Debt

Federal report shows families' student loan burden grows while other forms of debt decline, but suggests a slight slowing of the rate of increase in families' college-related debt.

Gambling on the Lottery

Lottery-based scholarships are popular and bring benefits, but often accompany other budget cuts and can fail to benefit students who most need funds, new report finds.

Kicked Out for Nonpayment

Kentucky State University tells a fourth of its student body to leave because they haven't paid their bills.

Feds Overhaul Servicing Contracts

Facing criticism that it doesn't properly oversee the companies managing student loan payments, the Education Department revamps its contracts.

Easier to Get PLUS

Education Department proposes rules to loosen requirements for obtaining a PLUS Loan. Black college advocates hail the changes, but consumer advocates worry the loans can be risky for low-income borrowers.

XBA Certificate for Veterans

Fullbridge gets into the credential business by partnering with Concordia University Chicago on new graduate certificate aimed at veterans of the U.S. military.