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High Noon in Austin

Years of tension between state policy makers and administrators at the University of Texas at Austin could come to a head in a series of legislative battles this spring.

Can Funding Be Fair?

The University of California system is changing the way it funds its 10 campuses to equalize per-student appropriations.

Spending Money to Make Money

Associate degrees pay off for both students and taxpayers, report finds, but state funding of community colleges still lags.

Fewer Bucks, More Bangs

Without enough state aid dollars to make college affordable, Colorado is shifting the focus of its grant program from affordability to encouraging credit completion.

It’s the Economy, Stupid

State appropriations for higher education increased in 31 states last year, according to new report, though the gains were small in most, reflecting broader economic shifts.

Planned Parenthood, Political Pressure

North Dakota State U. wins $1.2 million grant for a sex education program, then -- after legislators protest -- says it might be illegal to use the money. Faculty accuse administrators of sacrificing academic freedom.

The Pupil Cliff

Decrease in high school graduates and growth of minority groups will put increased pressure on states to rethink policies and institutions to improve recruitment, retention and outreach to new student populations, according to new report.

Tapping Into the Well

In stark contrast to most public institutions, North Dakota colleges will likely see a sizeable increase in state appropriations, a decision education leaders attribute to a favorable economic climate and efforts to build the trust of conservative lawmakers.