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Private Colleges' Turn to Cry

As the budget forecast turns sunnier for California's public institutions, the privates worry about cuts to a state scholarship program on which their students rely.

Is Free Better?

Politicians in three states want two years of tuition-free community college. Higher education experts welcome the attention, but worry about unintended consequences.

State Higher Ed Budgets Rebound

Nationally, states are continuing to restore aid to higher ed, but funding is still lower than it was before the recession.

Questions on Performance Funding

In response to a recent essay challenging their research, authors of studies on tying state funds to outcomes defend their work and the need for rigorous evidence to support policy trends.

Don’t Dismiss Performance Funding

The state budgeting strategy isn’t a panacea, but a recent study unfairly and simplistically condemns it, write Nancy Shulock and Martha Snyder.

Wither Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Ed has already cut academic programs and staff members; now it has to cut more programs and professors.

Will States Reciprocate?

An effort to simplify how institutions are authorized to operate in multiple states prepares to invite its first members.

Performance Funding Underperforms

Studies at meeting of higher education researchers suggest that state policies that link funds to outcomes don't increase degree completion.