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In Tenn., Politics or Good Policy?

New piece of governor's ambitious higher ed agenda would break up statewide governing board to focus on two-year colleges and give six universities more independence. Critics predict backsliding on the state's goals and skewed institutional priorities.

Cutting CUNY

Governor Cuomo wants to stop funding one-third of CUNY four-year colleges' budget. Where will the money come from?

When State Politicians Can't Compromise

In Illinois and Pennsylvania, eight-month budget stalemates threaten the future of public higher education.

The Triad and For-Profits

The Obama administration prods state regulators to tighten their oversight of for-profits, with a focus on job placement rates. But confusion about calculating those rates reigns, and many state agencies are understaffed and outgunned.

Trump U in the Spotlight

State regulators, not the federal government, were in the best position to crack down on Donald Trump's now-defunct educational venture, which has become a hot campaign issue.

State Support on the Rise

A new report shows a slow but steady increase in higher education funding as states recover from the recession.

Progress on Remediation

New report from Complete College America gives a first look at how pairing additional resources with introductory college courses can help students who need remediation.

The View From Arizona

Rufus Glasper is retiring after 30 years as an administrator at Arizona's Maricopa Community College. He spoke about the evolution of two-year colleges, challenges in Arizona and Maricopa's future.