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Planned Breakup in Tennessee

Universities favor governor's proposal to restructure public higher ed governance, but system chancellor and others say institutional interests will trump state priorities.

More Changes to FAFSA List

States worry that a Department of Education plan to curtail their access to data from the federal student aid form will cause headaches for state aid awards.

You're In

A new statewide initiative automatically admits graduating seniors to college in Idaho.

Collaboration or Merger?

Maryland officials call a proposal to merge a commuter institution with a HBCU a "far-reaching, risky scheme," arguing instead that joint degree programs can better end decades of racial inequity among the state's public colleges.

When Regulation Pays

Coding academies and boot camps are growing fast. State agencies started paying attention to short-term training programs last year, in a move that may have helped the industry.

Quota for In-Staters

A new program at a public university in New Jersey will have a cap on the number of state residents as institution looks overseas for students.

Reminding States to Regulate

After multiple delays, federal requirement on states to approve colleges within their borders is set to take effect -- as U.S. signals importance of state role.

Boom Budget in California

California governor proposes funding increases for public colleges, averting showdown with the University of California over tuition hikes, but Cal State faculty remain unhappy.