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Hunting the Heads of Headhunters

Florida State University faculty vote "no confidence" in their institution's presidential search firm and open a new front in the battle over picking presidents.

Input Not Wanted

Should faculty members have less influence in searches for system administrators than they do at the campus level? The University of Nebraska's Board of Regents thinks so.

New Presidents or Provosts: Eureka College, Flinders U., Keene State College, Northeastern State U., Oregon Coast CC, Sage Colleges, U. of Michigan-Flint, York County CC

Mark E. Arant, dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith...

Limbo for CCSF and Its Accreditor

As the clock ticks down on City College of San Francisco, powerful politicians weigh in and threaten to shut down an accrediting commission.

Letting Go in Louisiana

Louisiana lawmakers wanted more authority over the state's top higher education official. Now, some want to give it back.

New Presidents or Provosts: College of Saint Rose, Kankakee CC, Rock Valley College, Saginaw Valley State U., St. John's U., San Diego State U., U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Wilkes CC

Michael Boyd, associate dean of English, humanities and language studies at Illinois Central College, has been appointed as vice president...

No Confidence in Anyone

Faculty at Saint Joseph's University have taken vote after vote expressing dismay in their administrators.

New Presidents or Provosts: Alvin CC, Guilford College, Newbury College, Pepperdine U., U. of San Francisco, Valdosta State U.

Christal Albrecht, president of Florida State College at Jacksonville's Kent Campus. has been chosen as president of Alvin College, in...