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New Presidents or Provosts: Davidson County CC, Deakin U, Fisk U, Goddard College, Heritage College, Nebraska State College System, U of Central Florida, Westfield State U

Bernard Bull, chief innovation officer and vice provost of curriculum and innovation at Concordia University Wisconsin, has been selected as...

Another Private College on the Brink

Iowa Wesleyan warns students and faculty members that it may not open for spring semester without infusion of funds.

Should Professors Teach More to Avoid Program Cuts?

At one campus doing so, many adjuncts will lose positions, but departments aren't being eliminated.

Revolt at U of the Pacific

Budget controversies prompt complaints of censorship of protest boulders, demands for more financial information, questions about athletic deficits and demands for president's resignation.

Presidential Spouses Behaving Badly

Wisconsin Whitewater is latest university to find a presidential spouse can become a campus liability. Even on campuses without controversies, partners face heightened scrutiny.

Creating More Responsive Boards

The ways that many board committees and task forces operate today no longer make sense, warn Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower.

For-Profit College Chain Sues to Keep U.S. Aid

In lawsuit filed against Betsy DeVos, Education Corporation of America argues that it needs major financial restructuring but that campuses will have to close without federal student aid.