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DeVos Outlines ‘Rethinking’ of Higher Education

Secretary and Education Department officials today outline plans for looming accreditation reform negotiation, describing focus on credit transfer and credential inflation.

Chancellor Resigns Amid Investigation of Husband

Wisconsin Whitewater's leader will be gone by end of year.

Differing Fates for 2 HBCUs in North Carolina

Bennett College will have to appeal to keep its accreditation, while St. Augustine's was taken off probation. Although the historically black institutions' fates may be different, both struggled under the same pressures.

Ganging Up on a Student Journalist?

LIU Post student government association demands that President Kimberly Cline and the other officials publicly apologize for berating a co-editor of the student newspaper for its coverage of anonymous pamphlets targeting Cline and others.

Why Teaching Engineering Costs More Than Teaching English

New research points to differentials in faculty pay and class size.

A President Accused of Plagiarism

Andrea Lewis Miller defends her use of material from Joel Osteen's sermon "I'm Still Standing."