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Tensions Over International Students

Professor at Maryland who allegedly accused all Chinese students of cheating resigns, the latest in a series of incidents involving tensions between faculty and international students.

University Calls Off Conference Amid Protests From Transgender Activists

Incident is latest in which academics say they are facing hostility for views that do not conform to those of activists.

5 Arrested for TOEFL/Visa Scheme

Those arrested were charged with posing as others to take the test and earn scores to be admitted to colleges.

Research Assistant or Personal Assistant?

British university pulls a job ad after many call the position description exploitative.

White House Discussion of International Students

Emphasis of discussion was on those who may want to stay and work in the U.S. after graduation.

Questions on Russia's Research Reforms

Experts question whether new National Science Project will have wide impact beyond creating "a few islands of research excellence."

A Revolt at Oxford

Academics say that, in a break from centuries of tradition, central administration will control it.

A Watershed Moment

How should colleges respond, Brian Whalen asks, to a nationalist outlook that sows deep divisions among people?