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President's Book, Blackface and Campus Culture

Leader of a Canadian university upsets some students and professors with analysis of blackface incidents in higher education.
Composite image of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with the word "boycott" along the bottom.

Judge Dismisses Israel Boycott Case

Citing lack of standing, a federal judge throws out a lawsuit arguing that the American Studies Association breached its contract with members and wasted funds in endorsing the boycott of Israeli universities.

Not an Isolated Incident

Recent controversy over email from Duke professor about Chinese students speaking Chinese in lounges reflects larger tensions in academe, experts say.

The Feds' Fake University

Federal agents created a fake university, even enlisting help from an accreditor, to lure undocumented immigrants who were trying to stay in the U.S.

Trying to ‘De-Bias’ Faculty Recruiting

Can a shift in the way candidates are evaluated eliminate bias based on gender, race and background?

Speak Softly… or at Least Speak English

Policing international students’ speech and threatening them with discrimination for speaking their own language is abhorrent, writes Susan D. Blum.

Telling Students Not to Speak Chinese

A professor at Duke University steps down from her administrative role after sending an email to students suggesting they not speak Chinese in student lounge and study areas.

Are Global Rankings Damaging Universities?

Article that disappeared (and that has attracted more attention since disappearing) raises questions about Singapore's emphasis on rankings.