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Plan or Pipe Dream?

India's new draft national education policy lays out an ambitious agenda for transformation, but experts are skeptical about whether the proposed massive increases in expenditures will be forthcoming.

Recruiting International Graduate Students in a Challenging Environment

"Recruiting International Graduate Students in a Challenging Environment" is the new print-on-demand compilation of articles from Inside Higher Ed. You...

Growing Sino-Russian Academic Ties

Are both countries seeking alternatives to the West?

Bills Target Academic Espionage

Congress is paying increasing attention to risk of foreign actors stealing American research. Two new bills take very different approaches to addressing the threat -- and universities much prefer one approach over the other.

More American Colleges Turn to Chinese Admissions Test

More colleges begin accepting gaokao scores from mainland Chinese students in lieu of other standardized tests.

Mexico Backs Down on Researcher Travel Rules

Concerns linger about government attitudes toward science.

China Issues Warning to U.S.-Bound Students

China's Ministry of Education warns students of the risk of visa problems if they come to the U.S.

Recruiting International Students -- Locally

At NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference, session focuses on opportunities to recruit international students who are already in the U.S. for high school or short-term programs.