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The Global Evidence Against Free College

Countries that provide more public funding for higher education tend to have fewer graduates over all, a new study asserts.

Court Orders Recognition of Pro-Palestinian Student Group

Judge overturns Fordham University's decision to deny recognition to Students for Justice in Palestine chapter due to concerns about its political agenda and the potential for polarization.

A Wider Net

Ranjan Daniels explores what college and university administrators can do to shield their institutions from a potential reduction in Chinese student enrollment.

Recruiting in the Western Hemisphere

Speakers at EducationUSA conference discuss recruitment within a diverse hemisphere.

German Universities’ Path to Excellence

The country's hopes are built on competition.

A Welcome Message, or a Warning?

A State Department official says Chinese students are welcome. She also speaks of Chinese propaganda and influence activities on U.S. campuses, and of academic espionage.

No Passage to Palestinian Universities

Birzeit University joins two human rights groups to challenge Israeli visa policies that they say are blocking foreign faculty from coming to the West Bank to teach -- or forcing them to leave.

A Nobelist's Life Lessons

Michael Kosterlitz explains physics to the nonspecialist.