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Americans Are 'Internationals,' Too

Let's rethink the language we use to describe students and faculty members who aren't from the United States, Shari Motro writes.

Standardized Tests for the Job Market

Interest in workplace-readiness tests grows, and some big U.S.-based companies make all applicants in India take an assessment from Aspiring Minds, an Indian firm.

Germany's Import-Export Model

Aim to send 50 percent of students abroad by 2020 and boost foreign cohort at home.

Shifts in Foreign Grad Population

New graduate enrollments from outside the U.S. are up, thanks in large part to a big increase from India. But Chinese numbers show a small drop.

‘The Ideal and the Real’

New report examines the challenges U.S. universities face in establishing international joint or dual degree programs and raises the issue of ‘credential inflation.’

A Boycott's 'Aftermath'

Panel criticizes American Studies Association's year-old academic boycott of Israel at body's annual meeting. And the panelists in turn are criticized.

Being Foreign on the U.S. Academic Market

International graduate students are faced with an added challenge on the U.S. job market -- get a job or go home -- but it's possible to turn their foreignness to their advantage, Christopher Garland writes.

Is BDS Anti-Semitic?

In the new book The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, a key theme is the relationship between anti-Semitism and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.