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No Audit of 'Ridiculous' Grants

After campaign vow to crack down on "over the top" research studies and redirect funds to other areas, Australia's government shows no signs of intervening in grant-making decisions.

Historians Skirt Anti-Israel Votes

At business meeting of American Historical Association, members refuse to consider last-minute proposals to condemn Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

Honesty About Academic Jobs

British professors urged to tell their graduate students that they can't assume a Ph.D. will translate into a "job for life."

Easier Path to Cuba

Obama's announcement on resumption of diplomatic relations also broadens the kinds of educational travel that may now be possible.

Dozing Off

Universities can and should do more to help Chinese students adapt to higher education in the U.S., Bob Eckhart argues.

Vexing Issues for Vets

The veterinary school accreditor comes under fire as it prepares to face its federal oversight committee. Issues include a perceived weakening in standards and opposition to the accreditation of foreign institutions.

African Universities or Universities in Africa

Educators consider how much institutions in developing nations should focus on local priorities as opposed to research agendas that match those in the West.

BDS Movement Survives Challenge

At American Anthropological Association’s meeting, members reject resolution opposing the academic boycott of Israel and approve a measure condemning police brutality.