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The Student's Dilemma

Lanny Arvan shares the lessons he picked up from intense discussions with three international students.

Research Productivity Bonus

Study of German academics suggests that extra pay concentrates talent and boosts output from some institutions, with corresponding losses elsewhere.

Dream Deferred or Dashed in Israel

Texas A&M announced two years ago that it would build a branch campus in Nazareth. Here's the story of what's happened since.

Trump's Unexpected Support for International Students

The Republican presidential candidate known for his hard-line stance on illegal immigration wants international students to be able to stay in the U.S. to work after graduation.

Did a Board Chair Overstep?

The board chair at the U of British Columbia objects to a professor's blog post on the president's sudden resignation -- fueling further concerns about that university's still unexplained leadership transition.

Study in Tehran

With a deal to limit Iran's nuclear program and relieve sanctions pending, U.S. universities look ahead to new possibilities for cooperation. But even as institutions contemplate sending students there, some flag safety and human rights concerns.

Does Search Committee Diversity Produce Results?

Having more women on committees that select academics for jobs does not increase the chances for female candidates and may actually do the opposite, according to a study of Italian and Spanish universities.

Recruiting International Students

"Recruiting International Students" is Inside Higher Ed's new print-on-demand compilation of articles. The booklet features articles about trends, debates and...