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In China, No Choice But to Cheat?

At conference on overseas admissions, discussions focus on whether widespread reports about application fraud are leaving those who are honest feeling they have to cheat.

Unhappy in Ireland

Irish academics believe that their working conditions have deteriorated, study finds.

International Grad Student Apps Increase

Council of Graduate Schools survey shows 2 percent rise in international student applications, with more interest from India but drops in applications from China and for business degrees. Survey includes a first breakdown of applications by degree level.

Procrastination and Bogus Excuses

In Germany, university students who delay their work are more likely than others to lie about it and to engage in other forms of academic misconduct, study finds.

Scrutiny for Campuses in China

At congressional hearing, officials at American institutions operating in China say that academic freedom is preserved.

A Cheating Scandal With Diplomatic Dimensions

Saudi Arabian students are snared in a grade-change scandal at Montana Tech that became a diplomatic incident.

Universities Under Attack

New report documents a range of types of attacks on higher education worldwide, including killings, imprisonments, wrongful dismissals and expulsions, and restrictions on the movements of students and scholars.

From Beijing to Puget Sound

The University of Washington announces a new joint institute with China's Tsinghua University -- and $40 million in funding from Microsoft.