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Parting Ways

Some third-party pathway partnerships have ended.

As Pathway Market Expands, Enrollment Outcomes Diverge

The number of universities contracting with corporate entities to recruit for and manage first-year programs for international students keeps growing. As competition increases, institutions report mixed results with the model.

Language and Other Challenges: Faculty Perceptions of International Students

At international education conference, sessions focus on challenges faced by international students, both those perceived by faculty and those reported by students.

Violate Your Student Visa? You're Not Welcome Here.

Proposed policy memo would change the way in which international students are found to accrue "unlawful presence," a determination that could lead to them being barred from the U.S. for three to 10 years.

Rapid Growth in Foreign-Student Work Program

Participation in program that lets international students with STEM degrees work in the U.S. for up to three years after graduation grows by 400 percent in eight years. With the rapid growth has come new scrutiny.

Inside the Oversight of a Questionable Institution

The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools seeks a second chance. Over the years it's accredited some questionable institutions that have been likened to visa mills.

‘Losing Hearts and Minds’

Tens of thousands of Iranian students studied in the U.S. in the 1970s. New book tells how they helped unsettle the diplomatic relationship between Washington and Tehran in lead-up to Iranian Revolution.

Will U.S. Restrict Visas for Chinese Students?

News reports that the Trump administration is considering restrictions on visas for Chinese citizens raise concerns about potentially “devastating” impact on American colleges and U.S. competitiveness.