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We Should Bring Back the F

Faculty members today too rarely recognize a significant impediment to student success: students’ own refusal—not inability—to simply do the work, writes Louis Haas.

Yale Grad Workers Unionize at Last

Yale teaching and research assistants form a union after decades of organizing and amid a wave of union activity.

Preaching to, and Challenging, the Liberal Arts Choir

In a conversation with presidents of small private colleges, tech company executives praise graduates’ leadership and critical thinking ability but say they need to develop skills for a first job, too.

An ‘Ax Falling’ at Manhattanville

College announces tenured faculty layoffs and program suspensions as part of an academic realignment. Professors wonder what will be left after the college is done cutting.

Why We Need Better Data on Faculty Diversity

Institutions need better data on faculty backgrounds, their experiences and working conditions, and (in)equities in measures of success, Laura W. Perna writes.

A Vetoed Harvard Appointment

Kennedy School cancels a planned fellowship for human rights leader Kenneth Roth. Was his designation of Israel as an apartheid state to blame?

New Programs: Actuarial Science, Nursing, Veterinary Paraprofessional

Bryant University has launched its first ever online, asynchronous master’s degree: in actuarial science. University of Providence, in Montana, is...

Mathematicians, Hopeful and Hurting

Mathematicians descended on Boston last week for the first in-person Joint Math Meetings since the start of the pandemic. But ongoing tensions over how the community fosters—or fails to foster—diversity and inclusion loomed large.