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Harvard Backtracks on Fellowship Award

Former Human Rights Watch director said the Kennedy School rejected him over his criticism of Israel. The dean reversed course Thursday.

Of Hobbitology

Scott McLemee interviews author Robert T. Tally Jr. on J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: Realizing History Through Fantasy: A Critical Companion.

A Collision of Innovation and Interests

Adrian College has used the course-sharing platform Rize Education to launch new majors and increase enrollment. But Adrian’s president also co-founded Rize, and some observers think that creates a conflict of interest.

University of Illinois at Chicago Faculty Members Strike

After a marathon Martin Luther King Jr. Day negotiation with the university fails, professors walk out for an indefinitely long strike. They and the university remain divided on pay and other issues.

An Uneven Job Market for Assistant Professors

The assistant professor job market is actually growing, but not for everyone, Peter Lange and Anthony J. Olejniczak write.

New Programs: Online Engagement, Public Health Informatics, Neuroscience, Business

Kansas State University is starting an online certificate in digital engagement. University of California, Irvine, is starting two new certificates...

Let’s Not Bring Back the F

Instead, we should do a better job of assigning authentic tasks that genuinely reflect the kind of work students will have to do after graduation, writes Benjamin Rifkin.

Continued Criticism Leads Hamline to Reconsider (Maybe)

The Board of Trustees issues a statement suggesting the university is reconsidering its stance on academic freedom, which set off a controversy. The university’s president issues a statement strongly defending the university’s position. Outside groups—including some Muslim organizations—reject the university’s position.