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E-Library Economics

New research indicates that e-book oriented libraries could save colleges a bundle, but academics may have a hard time letting go of the stacks.

Principles for 'One Faculty'

A coalition of academic associations is today issuing a joint statement calling on colleges to recognize that they have "one...

Assessment Disconnect

Annual gatherings of student learning experts and accrediting officials reveal lots of assessment activity on campuses. But policy makers ponder whether it adds up to meaningful national progress.

Awaiting the Tablet

Will Apple's new electronic device galvanize the market for e-textbooks and transform higher education?

Going Public

It's time for all colleges to release an understandable report on how they measure learning, and accreditors should require such disclosure, writes Douglas C. Bennett.

Hitting Pause on Class Videos

A trade group goes after UCLA for posting copyrighted videos on course Web sites -- and hints that other colleges might be next.

Plagiarism Prevention Without Fear

New trial suggests that teaching students about integrity issues can be effective, especially with those who may otherwise be the most likely to copy.

Outsourcing Language Learning

A decade after Drake U. pioneered system favoring native speakers over traditional faculty, a few other colleges are trying the approach and the university is taking its concept online.