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'The Great Brain Race'

American academic leaders are casting a wary eye on developments in higher education in the rest of the world. Will...

The Specialists

Is the “bundled” model of higher education outdated? Some higher-ed futurists think so. Choosing the academic program at a single...

How Fast Is Fast Enough?

SAN JOSE -- At a forum for adjunct faculty members Saturday, organizers asked participants to write down notes about their...

The Human Element

Douglas E. Hersh’s close crop of auburn hair and neatly trimmed goatee are clearly visible in an expandable window on...

No Job for Adjunct Who Took a Stand

Instructor whose resignation drew attention to controversial (since rescinded) DNA-testing policy at U. of Akron is blocked from ever coming back.

Open Courseware in the Liberal Arts

Saint Michael's College thinks persuading its faculty to use free courseware from peer institutions could improve its liberal arts curriculum.

When Writing Class Moves Online

Composition association finds that colleges are just beginning to consider implications of shifting key part of the curriculum away from face-to-face instruction.

Express Lane to a B.A.

A year after politicians and pundits started talking about three-year degrees, more colleges are starting programs or considering them.