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Visions of Adjunct Tenure

At a meeting of advocates for those off the tenure track, two groups present ideas to improve job security, working conditions and pay.

'Over Ten Million Served'

Research, teaching, service. Faculty members regularly debate the relative priorities of those items on the classic list of criteria for...

The Fog

Academe hides lots of realities in fancy words, writes Steve Street, including the truth about who teaches.

Who Gets Bumped?

A steady stream of reports from faculty groups warns of the consequences of having too large a share of sections...

Making Adjuncts Temps -- Literally

Last year, a small community college in Michigan considered a plan to stop employing adjuncts and to have a temporary...

A Major Push on Advising

In an effort to improve its disappointing retention rates, Portland State University will increase its team of academic advisers from...

Control of a Beloved Book

Some in academic publishing think the latest twist in the story of Black Elk Speaks amounts to poetic justice. Others...

Sex, Journalism and Censorship

Student sex journalism is one of those topics that tend to arise in the context of controversy -- the sort...