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CIO Succession Planning

With a wave of retirements approaching, higher education needs to consider how to prepare the next generation of technology leaders, write Jerome P. DeSanto and Robyn L. Dickinson.

Getting Their Act(ion)s Together

In effort to ward off mounting criticism of accreditation, the seven regional agencies collaborate to align their punishments and how they impose them.

Student Activism Worldwide

Protests in many countries are a reminder of the importance of understanding the political movements that emerge from campuses, write Philip G. Altbach and Manja Klemenčič.

Absent From the Agenda

New AGB survey data suggest that boards aren't paying much attention to adjunct employment issues.

So Much to Do, So Little Time

New research finds professors spend considerable time in meetings and on administrative tasks, and much of their time alone.

Hope and Climate Change

A new book tries to find grounds for optimism in the face of ecological upheaval. Scott McLemee warms to the effort.

Chinese Students in the Classroom

New research sheds light on Chinese undergraduate students' challenges in the classroom and the ways in which they respond to and adapt to those challenges.

The Prestige Payoff

Study documents impact of attending an elite doctoral program on faculty members' careers.