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Fears of Litigation vs. Faculty Rights

New AAUP report accuses U. of Colorado-Boulder administrators of violating academic freedom in their reaction to a sexism investigation of philosophy department this year.

How Much Regulation Is Just Right?

With debate raging over college ratings, David R. Anderson asks a straightforward question and outlines an answer.

Jersey Impasse

Faculty at Bergen Community College vote no confidence in president, citing loss of key meetings, changes in planned tenure rules and a disputed interpretation of a "Game of Thrones" quote.

Without Feathers

A new book describes the history of resistance to the income tax. Scott McLemee celebrates April 16 with a look.

The Flipped Classroom

"The Flipped Classroom" is a collection of Inside Higher Ed articles and essays about changing the instructional paradigm by having...

Not New, Not Surprising

Higher ed leaders need to stop the "sky is falling" rhetoric about a football players' union, writes Daniel J. Julius. The athletes follow a long line of academic employees who turn to collective bargaining when real economic and non-economic needs are ignored.

Trigger Unhappy

Facing widespread faculty opposition, Oberlin drops policy requiring warnings about material that may be upsetting to students. Do students need such cautions?

Area Studies Mismatch

Experts in area and language studies discuss how to meet rising student demand when federal budget cuts, vanishing tenure-track positions, and lack of commitment to specialized librarians are hurting their fields.