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The Bias for White Men

Study finds faculty members more likely to respond to inquiries from prospective graduate students who are white males. Business faculty appear to favor white men most, humanities and arts professors the least.

Everyone Should Teach Writing

All faculty members, not just those in writing programs, have a responsibility, writes Ellen Goldberger.

Let's Make a Deal

As the ed-tech investment community gathers at the Education Innovation Summit for a fifth year, some attendees are growing impatient about the lack of results.

Let Them Play the Game

Sarah Demers tried (and failed) to teach a new card game to her family. She's the one who ended up learning something -- about when lectures aren't the right approach.

Before the Fall

1177 B.C. was the kind of year people try to forget. Scott McLemee reports on a book that takes us all the way back.

Right to Gender-Neutral Spaces

Graduate student workers in the U. California System say they've agreed on contract language establishing gender-neutral bathrooms and lactation stations as rights.

Watch and Learn

Incoming students in competency-based programs at Lipscomb University spend a long day trying to prove their baseline skills and behavior, with 30 college credits on the line.

Competencies Come to Campus

Lipscomb University shows what competency-based education can look like in its blended form, both in-person and at a liberal arts college.