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Hard Work, High Demand

Sally Johnstone and Thad Nodine describe what Western Governors University has learned as it works on new competency-based programs with 11 community colleges.

A Writing Program Goes on the Road

An upstart Vermont fine arts college saves a beloved writing program from death at the University of Southern California.

Professor With a Past

Should a history that includes membership in the Symbionese Liberation Army and jail time disqualify one from keeping an adjunct job? Even if the instructor was open about it and received rave teaching reviews?

'Should I Go to Grad School?'

New book on making the choice offers an enriching discussion with no clear answers.

The Pulse: Ray Henderson of In the Telling

The technology entrepreneur Ray Henderson discusses his latest venture, In the Telling, in this month's edition of The Pulse podcast.

Let X = X

There's a new academic journal about "adult entertainment" -- because of course there is. Scott McLemee is caught looking.

Writing the Adjunct Experience

Two novelists discuss their careers off the tenure track.

Gauging Graduates' Well-Being

Gallup rolls out the results of an attempt to measure what in college makes for a great life and a great job -- and finds small numbers of graduates hitting both marks.