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Jobless in Two Days

Quinnipiac professors are still 'reeling' from a rapid-fire round of faculty layoffs and wondering why some faculty jobs are being eliminated even as new ones are being created.

JOI to the Library

A new metric for journals ranks them by open access. Scott McLemee checks the index.

Making Sallie Mae Pay

Federal regulators announce two settlements over alleged overcharging of military servicemembers and misrepresenting late fees to other borrowers.

A Boost for Active Learning

Students in science and math fields learn more and fail courses less when their instructors use methods other than lecturing, a massive study finds.

New Book, New Allegations

A professor accused and cleared of intentional plagiarism has been accused again, this time for his new book. His defenders say the real issue is that the allegations are being made anonymously.

Shouted Down at Portland State

A planned forum on police issues could not take place because one panelist was accused by audience members of spreading doubt about victims of sexual violence.

Missing Rhetoric

When the Obama administration talks about higher education, key issues are consistently left out, writes John Churchill.

Sustaining Open Access

A new open-access publishing model in the humanities and social sciences is praised for its audacity, but is it sustainable?