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The Liberal Arts Role in Teacher Education

By staying on the sidelines, colleges and professors of liberal arts and sciences have helped teacher education go off track. It's time for them to get more involved, writes Stephen Mucher.

The Loose, Baggy Monster

A new book take up the cudgels on behalf of social constructionism. Scott McLemee isn't exactly knocked out.

Bringing It to the Masses

Little scientific research ever makes it to the public sphere. One postdoc wants to change that with a new website that helps scientists translate their research for lay audiences.

I Just Used to Work Here

Cliffton Price considers the work adjuncts are asked to do after their courses (and compensation) are over.

Meeting Expectations

An upcoming book argues that meetings -- one of the most loathed aspects of academic life -- are untapped sources of creativity and insight.

A Question of Quality

Coursera has come under attack after an instructor conducted a social experiment on his students, but the MOOC provider is sticking with its hands-off policies, saying they promote academic freedom.

Rules for a Discipline

Sexual harassment reports have prompted American Philosophical Association to consider creating a code of conduct for its members. Reactions are mixed.

Benefits Options for Adjuncts

AFT and Freelancers Union announce plan to give those off the tenure track the ability to buy insurance through groups, rather than individually.