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Driven Out for Speaking Up?

Terminated tenure-track faculty members at Upper Iowa University say they were punished for voicing their concerns about proposed curricular changes.

What's Expendable?

As many women's colleges move to admit men, Mary Baldwin tries to preserve a single-sex institution by building up professional and graduate programs. Some faculty fear the college is safeguarding one tradition by sacrificing another.

Defending MLA Reform Plan

Time to degree for Ph.D.s in languages and literature needs to get much shorter, but the size of programs shouldn't shrink, writes Russell A. Berman.

Outsourced in Michigan

Michigan colleges are assigning the hiring and payment of adjuncts to a third-party company. Administrators say it's a win-win, but adjunct advocates say it's a worrisome trend.

My Course, Your Content

A report on MOOCs in Maryland classrooms delivers encouraging results, but faculty members say shaping a course around another instructor's content can be tricky.

New Politics of Partner Benefits

As more states recognize gay marriage, universities consider whether to keep policies created to help same-sex partners who couldn't marry. And in states that still don't recognize gay marriage, some public colleges are starting to offer new benefits.

A Publisher of One's Own

Self-publishing is still rare for academics. But a few scholars are trying it out.

Clery Fines: Proposed vs. Actual

As the Education Department has stepped up its enforcement of campus safety rules over the past four years, colleges have continued to be successful in getting their Clery Act fines reduced.