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Heavy-Handed or Spot On?

As U. of Colorado at Boulder acts against two philosophers, critics say university officials are sacrificing faculty rights in an attempt to appear tough on sexual harassment.

Aggressive Pragmatism

Tennessee's Republican governor, Bill Haslam, is big on accountability in higher education -- and he backs it up with state funding. He also staked his legacy to making community college tuition-free.

Profit and Social Responsibility

New effort aims to create voluntary standards and a seal of approval aimed at for-profit colleges, this time by an outside group that works with a wide swath of the corporate world.

Learn Your Students' Names

Daniel F. Chambliss writes about why professors need to -- and how they can do so.

The Emails on Salaita

As U. of Illinois offers public explanation for blocking hire of professor, newly released documents show involvement of fund-raisers and interest in keeping trustees informed as chancellor prepared to nix appointment.

Anticipating Cost Hikes

Unsure about how insurance costs will fare when Affordable Care Act is fully in place, institutions are passing on anticipated cost increases to employees, CUPA-HR survey suggests.

What Students Write

National study examines the nature of assignments -- and finds many of them lacking in creativity.

Ferguson's College Refuge

The community college that serves students not unlike Michael Brown is a local hub important enough that Attorney General Holder made the campus his first stop. Local students see the college as a way out.