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Shakespeare Studies Spat

Author and journal editors feud over paper on Shakespeare's identity.

Umbrella Group Backs Unbundling

ACE continues online experimentation with proposed pool of general education courses from colleges and providers like StraighterLine.

Salaita Speaks Out

In his first public remarks since losing his job offer, controversial scholar says he still wants to teach at U. of Illinois.

Misjudgment Calls

Professors are sometimes too quick to decide on the intellectual ability of students and colleagues, writes Heather Dubrow.

Tugged in Two Directions

Competency-based education is hot, which keeps accreditors busy trying to ensure quality control without stifling innovation.

The Long View on Wages

Virginia releases the first detailed look at mid-career earnings of college graduates, but the report warns against broad, oversimplified conclusions about the data.

The Problem With Civility

As Berkeley chancellor joins those calling for more civility in academe, faculty critics see an attack on academic freedom.

Credential Creep Confirmed

Many employers are seeking workers with B.A.s even for jobs that haven't historically required the degree. That may be good news for colleges -- but warning signs are on the horizon.